Friday 31 December 2010

It’s been a long difficult year...

Dear Friends

It’s been a long difficult year with some great highs and deep lows. Seen a number of friends & family leave, all of whom are in my thoughts, your all deeply missed and I hope we meet again somewhere down the road (x).

"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

Some people left us and I wish them well, and trust they found happiness in their new "homes".

We have all had our share of Good fortune…found love, friendship, but also hardship and suffered loss, pain & heartache.

For everyone that’s had a difficult year I send love and best wishes in the hope 2011 brings only joy and happiness to everyone.

Thanks to the people who showed love, support, strength and understanding when I was going through a bad personal time. Thanks for sticking by me through it all, I love and appreciate you all.

Those no longer with us: Alex, Marco and our pets (Meeko & Hooch).

Anyone I forgot - please excuse me it’s the effects of forgetfulness.

Marco’s/my friends, pupils & ex-pupils, thanks for sharing the thumbs & friendship, and the visitors to Marco’s page have a magical new year with your loved ones & best wishes for 2011.

Thanks all of you for your friendship, support and Loyalty.

Love...Light...Joy & Peace.

Best Wishes & Kind Regards,
Alexander Schaub

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